The Career Myth You Need to Unlearn for Leadership Growth

By Nancy Fredericks


Nancy Fredericks pens Women Lead Change's "Mindful Mondays" column, appearing the second Monday of every month. Fredericks is a preeminent Business Executive Strategist, Author and Thought Leader. Corporations like Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo, Adobe, Allergan and Transamerica have retained her to optimize individual and organizational performance. You can find her at The views of Nancy Frederick's blogs represent her own and not necessarily the views of Women Lead Change.

You’ve probably heard it before—Generation X, Millennials, Generation Y, and Generation Z are often skeptical of advice from older generations, especially the Baby Boomers.

Well, I’m a Baby Boomer. So, can you put aside that judgment, just for a moment?

I challenge you to keep reading.

I bet you’ll uncover at least one insight that will shake up your thinking and expose a hidden belief quietly undermining your career growth.

Buckle up.

Let’s explore where you might have embraced a career myth that’s been holding you back from the start.

Think back to your first job interview. What did you bring to the table that convinced them to hire you?

Most people would say it was their degree, expertise, or a long list of accomplishments. But here's the catch—relying on that initial “doing” mindset could be the very thing stalling your progress today.

Why? Because building your career around your skills, knowledge, and technical achievements pigeonholes you. You get labeled as the “doer,” not the “leader.”

Your career doesn’t move forward by simply doing more or mastering every detail.

That's a mistake many make—they think the skills that landed them the job will lead to their next promotion. But promotions don’t work that way.

Here’s the truth: Leaders aren’t promoted because they’re the best at doing. If you focus on delivering more and more products or services, your organization will keep you right where you are, questioning whether you have leadership potential.

Starting to hit home?

Pause and consider this: Knowledge now doubles every 12 hours. Think about that! If you’re focused on being the know-it-all, you’ll forever be stuck in the weeds, chasing tasks instead of rising above them.

Now, ask yourself—do your company’s top leaders have the technical knowledge to do your job? Are they the go-to experts for product details? Nope. And they don’t need to be.

Leaders aren't specialists; they’re strategists. They don’t manage the day-to-day; they shape the future. As you rise through the ranks, you’ll be expected to think bigger and more strategically. Expertise becomes secondary to vision.

So, what’s the secret sauce of leadership?

It’s not what you know, but how you inspire, motivate, and influence those around you. Leaders don’t just guide teams—they ignite transformation across the organization.

Are you starting to see the bigger picture?

Leadership is about being a change agent, not a task manager. Your expertise? It’s just one small piece of the puzzle, not the whole picture.

To shift into leadership, you need to move from “doing” to “being.” Here’s how:

  • Cultivate Relationships: Nothing happens in business without relationships. Build connections upward, downward, and sideways. Get noticed, not just for your work, but for the relationships you foster across and outside the organization.
  • Master Influence: Learn to engage, inspire, and bring out the best in others. Leadership is about elevating the people around you, not just completing tasks.
  • Stop Being the Brightest: Leaders don’t always have the best ideas; they create environments where ideas thrive. When you give others space to shine, the whole organization benefits. That’s leadership in action.
  • Think Like a Leader: Every project you touch should be viewed through a leadership lens. Ask yourself, “What can I add or remove to improve this, not just for today, but for the future?” Expand your thinking beyond immediate tasks to long-term impact.

Most organizations are laser-focused on the now, but true leaders see the big picture. They speak and think from a broader perspective. This mindset helps you act and sound like a leader before the title is yours.

Has a false belief been holding you back?

Starting today, challenge yourself to adopt a new career mindset. These “Aha” moments are what set leaders apart. But remember—ideas alone won’t change your future. It’s all about action, action, action!

#CareerGrowth #LeadershipMindset #CareerSuccess #ThinkLikeALeader #ProfessionalDevelopment #CareerAdvice #LeadershipSkills #LevelUpYourCareer

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