15 Questions with the Women Lead Change Team

The Women Lead Change team answers the question that Tiffany O'Donnell asks all of our podcast guests, "What is your superpower and how do you Own It?"

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WLC Staff 
Back Row (Left to Right): Becky Alpen, Amy Eaton, Morgan Schmall, Tiffany O'Donnell, Anna Fisher
Front Row (Left to Right): Bobbi Segura, Jade Romagna, Mackenzy Caligiuri

Morgan Schmall, Director of Operations: "My superpower is time management. With two little toddlers at home knowing how to get stuff done really quick and compartmentalizing- that is pretty important." 

Mackenzy Caligiuri, Marketing Coordinator: "My superpower is that I'm always willing to learn, try different things out, and trying to stay calm with things don't always work out perfectly." 

Jade Romagna, ICR Program Coordinator: "My superpower is following my passion and figuring out how to make it my life. I've been able to connect all the things I'm passionate about and make it a career."

Anna Fisher, Event Coordinator: "My superpower would be staying calm or at least looking calm when I'm stressed."

Amy Eaton, Director of Marketing & Strategic Development: "I'm going to go with having a sense of humor. I think I have the ability to look at things a little bit differently but also when I'm with a group I just love to laugh and I love to be happy. I think that helps lighten up things sometimes."

Bobbi Segura, Regional Manager: "I would say my superpower is that I am a connector. I make it a habit to never say no to an invitation to have coffee. I have met some of the most incredible people just because they've reached out and I've sat down with them. So I would say I'm a connector."

Becky Alpen, Quad Cities Outreach Coordinator: "My superpower I would say is probably that glass half full. It's always half full no matter what kind of things are going on in my life and things like that, I can always kind of twist it and put a positive spin on it much to some people's dismay but it works for me."

Tiffany O'Donnell, Chief Executive Officer: "My superpower is endless, relentless, maniacal optimism. I truly believe we have the ability to choose that and I work everyday to make sure I choose optimism. It's way more fun and it works." 

Learn more about the WLC team on this week's episode of Own It! from Women Lead Change when they answer YOUR questions. The episode drops on Friday, June 3!


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